4 Tips to Decrease Mental Stress!

Did you know that 29% of Malaysians suffered from depression and anxiety in 2017?
According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2017, it was a significant increase when compared to 12% in 2011.
Are you part of the statistics? Do you have difficulty sleeping despite overwhelming fatigue? Are life’s daily annoyances becoming huge obstacles? Are you having trouble concentrating and seeing things through?
Sometimes these can be handled with a strong cup of kopi. But if they are persistent and recurring, don’t ignore them! As a key part of your overall wellness, mental health should be maintained, just like diet and exercise.
“Mental health is your ability to properly think about and process information,” said Dr Keith Randolph, Fellow, Amway Global Discovery. “It affects how you interact with others, make decisions and react to stress.”
Serious mental health issues should be discussed with your physician, but there are some self-care strategies you can try immediately.
Head For The Woods
A study showed that spending 90 minutes in nature as opposed to an urban setting decreased brain activity associated with depression. Consider visiting your neighbourhood park, heading to the beach or planning a camping trip. (Studies show that planning a getaway gives you a boost because it offers something to look forward to!)
Write It Out
Putting thoughts on paper is a powerful tool. You can vent about experiences that upset you, but also remind yourself of things that make you happy – things you’re grateful for or personal accomplishments.
Smile And Laugh
Even if you don’t feel like smiling, the act of doing it can lower your heart rate and have a calming effect. Plus, laughter helps reduce anxiety, so don’t feel bad about watching the latest funny video being shared on social media!
Manage Stress
A warm bath, a good workout, or feeding your artistic side with drawing, painting or colouring are all ways to soften stressful moments.
- http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mental-illness/basics/symptoms/con-20033813
- http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/mental_health/en/
- http://www.who.int/about/mission/en/
- http://news.stanford.edu/2015/06/30/hiking-mental-health-063015/
- http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/31-tips-boost-your-mental-health