Don’t Starve to Lose Weight!

Friends teasing you about your muffin top? Hate wearing sleeveless t-shirts because of your flabby arms? Can’t fit into the dress your loved one bought for you? Well, you’re not alone. Most of us have insecurities about the way we look and how we present ourselves to others. But, what are you doing about it?
Don’t ignore those extra kilogrammes! If it doesn’t look good on the outside, it may lead to health complications on the inside! The average Malaysian consumes 2,500 calories daily which is between 500 and 700 calories MORE than the recommended intake!
We know that:
• Conventional Weight Loss = Exercise and Diet
• Smarter and Sustainable Weight Loss = Balanced Nutrition and Active Lifestyle.
Ready to jump on this happy wagon?
Check your Calories!
Whether you’re on the Atkins, ketogenic or any other diet plan, the calories you ingest still matters. Whether you wish to lean down or muscle up, taking note of your calories is important. So, how many calories do you consume daily?
Recommended Kcal Intake for Malaysian
• Male 2,000
• Female 1,500
*Based on Health Ministry’s Guidelines
To kick-start your journey, here’s a low-calorie meal plan.
Amway Low Calorie Meal Plan 1200kcal
*Management of Obesity,
Disclaimer: Calories are based on figures from BodyKey App 2.0.
© Copyright 2018 Amway (B) Sdn. Bhd. and Amway (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (22062-P) AJL 93010. All rights reserved.
• WHO Non-Communicable Diseases Country Profiles, 2011