Health Articles


Don’t Starve to Lose Weight!

Friends teasing you about your muffin top? Hate wearing sleeveless t-shirts because of your flabby arms? Can’t fit into the dress your loved one bought for you? Well, you’re not alone. Most of us have insecurities about the way we look and how we present ourselves to others. But, what are you doing about it?

Don’t ignore those extra kilogrammes! If it doesn’t look good on the outside, it may lead to health complications on the inside! The average Malaysian consumes 2,500 calories daily which is between 500 and 700 calories MORE than the recommended intake!

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Hey, Guess Which Country Is The Fattest?

No matter what the day brings, we all want to live a healthy, active lifestyle – and hydration plays an important role in achieving just that.

But sometimes it can be difficult to find the time to not only stay hydrated, but to also get the daily nutrients you need. 

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Travel with ease, Travel with C

Currency, tooth brush, memory cards; there are several things that every seasoned traveller will instinctively check off on their list of must-brings as they are packing for their next great adventure. Some are special items for travel, like your passports or the camera that only comes out for special events. Most, however, are everyday items like your toiletries and clothing. There’s nothing special about them and you use them in your daily routine.

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The Three Pillars For Good Health

To make sure that we are in good health, it is important that we focus on the things that contribute the most to it. Good nutrition gives the body what it needs to function properly, which in turn gives us the energy we need to exercise. Exercise helps the body to train motor skills, and more importantly build and tone muscle. At the end of it all, good rest puts the body in a state where it can repair itself, making it stronger and giving it the energy to face every new day.

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