Health Articles

With Father’s Day coming up, it’s a good time to remind them and those around them to be strong, healthy and enduring. Good nutrition is a great way to achieve that not just for the middle-aged men of the moment, but also for their sons, friends and even their own fathers.

When we hear of people taking protein, we often associate it with fitness enthusiasts who are looking to bulk up on their muscle mass, but did you know that is not always the case? People out there who are familiar with Nutrilite™ know that one of our star products is our soy protein and it is taken by millions all over the world, both young and old!

Mother’s Day is around the corner and instead of the usual chocolates and flowers, ever thought if the women in your life need necessary health supplements? This type of gift may not provide instant gratification but, it ultimately enhances her quality of life. So, here’s a general supplement guide for the women in your life, not just for the mothers, but for the daughters, sisters and friends too.